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The Rock Solid Path To FINALLY Get ME TIME In The Next 21 Days (Without the Mom Guilt!)

You’re sick of yelling at your kids, your partner.

Scrolling Facebook mindlessly.

Feeling submerged.


Angry and don’t know why.

You’re tired. So darn tired.

You don’t know how to get unstuck.

You wish you had more time.

You feel the shoulda woulda couldas.

"If only... I was younger, thinner, had more time, etc …


Now imagine this… it’s 21 days from now and you’re smiling because you actually have ME TIME every day.

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You've actually carved out time for YOURSELF -- without the guilt!

You've escaped the mental overload of having to DO . ALL . THE . THINGS.

You've learned how to be more present - when your mind wants to go elsewhere.

You've cracked the secret formula to get that necessary “me-time” - and it's helped clear your thoughts, be in control and feel at peace.

You've found balance!! You are more productive, nicer and... (gasp!) fun!

You did it. You finally got that ME TIME. And without the MOM GUILT! Woo hoo!

It's the Greatest Feeling in the World

I know, because I’ve lived it.

Hi. My name is Jennie Sutherland.

I found that "ME TIME" - with two young kids, a full time job, traveling for work, and like you, juggling a million things.

That's me in the photo!

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Get Unstuck.

Find Yourself Again.

Enjoy that ME TIME.

I used to feel like I never had enough time.

But now my life looks completely different.

Once I discovered how to create this "me time" in less than 30 days, I re-trained my mind and body...

~ I went from couch potato to training for sprint triathlons.

~ I went on to lose more than 20 pounds.

~ I wrote my first non-fiction book - a dream of mine that I had had my whole life.

Carving out time, just for you. Every Day.

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Finding "me time" as a mom is actually much simpler than you think…

BUT only if you know exactly what to do and have the right process to get you there.

See, for the first several years of being a mom, I barely survived the chaos.

I yelled at my kids ALL of the time.

I stayed up until the wee hours of the night trying to find some alone time.

I binge watched TV - just to decompress.

#Relatable, right?

Hours of non-productive mindlessness slipped by, yet I still felt like I had no time.

I felt alone.

Just going through the motions.

But then I had a moment where I thought:

Is this all there is?

Do I have to live like this forever?

Will I ever get time - just for me?

>> Research and science have shown that we cannot take care of others if we don’t take care of ourselves first. >> *

We need time and space to feed our soul and our passions so that we can be the best versions of ourselves.

But how do you do this when you feel like you have so little control of your time - and are getting pulled in so many different directions?

So I went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out how to still be a great mom, while finding that necessary “me time” -- that time that I knew my soul absolutely needed.

One thing led me to the next...

What Happened Next Blew My Mind

I discovered a way to find at least 30-60 minutes a day that were just for me - without sacrificing the relationship with my kids, family or job.

In this “me time” I ended up writing my first book - something that I had wanted to do forever.

I found time to train for a triathlon.

I found I was suddenly calmer, patient and much happier.

And I found the peace of mind I was craving.

I realized I was on to something and I had to share this with other moms.

That’s why I’ve decided to create a brand new way to basically guarantee that every mom finds dedicated "ME TIME " in 21 days, without having the mom guilt.

* Source: Psychology Today


The 21-Day Me Time Challenge: The Rock Solid Path To Finding Productive Time Just for YOU in 21 Days Or Less (Without the Mom Guilt!)

So how does it work?

21 Days Of Step-By-Step Action plans

Exactly what you need to do every single day of the 21 days (emailed to you daily -- so you never miss a beat).

No confusion ever. Just the exact plan that you need to take.

Fast ways to stake claims in your calendar, without the guilt.

Time-saving hacks -- so you can focus on what you really want to do

Support & Accountability -- so you actually do the work!

AND... the secret ingredient that guarantees you’ll get your ME TIME every day for 21 days

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Open the daily email.

Follow the instructions.

21 Day Days of Me Time.

It's that SIMPLE.

We All Want ME TIME

I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of other moms learn how to get up and get moving over at Huffington Post - where I was a contributor for 7 years.

We all want our ME TIME.


It can be done.

You CAN get your time.

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This Mom Needs ME TIME Stat!

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ME time, without the GUILT.

Put YOURSELF on the to do list.

Just open the daily emails.

(You can even do the work in your pajamas if you want to! )

Two Days in, and she is Already Finding her ME TIME !!

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NO logins.

NO office visits.

Open the daily email.

Follow the instructions.

Get your ME TIME!

If you can find 30 minutes to binge a show you'll forget in two weeks, you CAN find productive ME TIME.

(And this will feel so much more fulfilling.)

21 Days is all takes to build a new habit.

21 Days..

Open the daily email.

Follow the instructions.

Get your ME TIME.

It's really as simple as that!

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Take Amy, who joined the first round of the 21-Day Me Time Challenge.

She was a mom of 2 who had no time. Plus, she was in the middle of launching a new business and left town for a family vacation.

Yet, through this process, she was able to find hours and hours of productive alone time -- to declutter her mind, meditate and exercise - all WITHOUT THE GUILT.

Putting yourself on the TO DO List has never been more important.

You cannot take care of others without taking care of yourself first.

It's time to focus on your needs.

Find the calm.

Find the peace.

Focus on the things that are most important to you.

Right now.

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The 21-Day Me Time Challenge: The Rock Solid Path To Finding Productive Me Time in 21 Days

(Without the Mom Guilt!)

So let me be completely transparent with you…

I’m going to do something that’s basically unheard of with The 21-Day Me Time Challenge.

I’m going to go live on zoom during the challenge to MAKE SURE you get your ME TIME.

I want the course to answer all of your questions and be rock solid for you and future moms.

In addition to that, you will have daily assignments sent to you via email - so you know EXACTLY what to work on each day (ZERO confusion).

When you go through this round of the course with me, you’re going to get your questions answered and receive a level of accountability and support that future classes won’t get.

Plus, I’m going to hook you up with a ridiculous no-brainer deal so I can get as many moms as possible to go through the course so we can start helping people change their lives.

Here’s the thing. If you were to go through this process one-on-one for 21 days it would be more than $2500.

Obviously, I’m not going to charge you that.

When I release this for future classes it will be $800, which is still an insane deal.

Is it worth $800 to have 30-60 minutes a day - just for you - for the rest of your life?

Of course it is.

How much has it cost you so far - not to get that proper ME TIME?

I know I've spent thousands of dollars in therapy - traditional and retail (food, wine, diets, tears and more).


I'm not going to charge you $800 -- I'm not going to charge you half of that!

Right now, the standard investment is only $349.

Yup, that’s right, for the cost of a couple therapy sessions, you can get your 21 days of dedicated ME TIME - and learn the process that will help you continue to get that valuable time - for the rest of the year.

Even if you only got your “me time” for only 21 days, that would only be about $16 day.

I’m pretty sure that dedicated time just for YOU is worth more than those sugary smoothies that you just bought for you and your kids, right?

Of course it is!

You deserve this.

You deserve your ME TIME.

However, it gets better.

I want to make it a no-brainer to help you get your time -- no matter what.

Because you weren’t meant to feel like you’re on a hamster wheel.

Like your life is on a loop.

It’s time to feel alive again.

To get what you want and need - so that you can be your best with your family, your job, and more.

Without the guilt.

Now’s your time.

That's why right now you can get started with the 21 Day ME TIME Challenge for only $99.

Alright. No more talking about it.

Let's do this together.


Get The 21 Day

ME TIME Challenge for just $99 today!

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The Next 21 Day Me Time Challenge Starts in...

"ME TIME" Guarantee!

Go through Day 2 of the challenge and if you aren't satisfied with your results, let us know and we'll refund your full investment.

How is the 21-Day Me Time Challenge delivered?

Awesome question! You'll receive an email every day of the 21 day challenge with EXACT instructions, examples, and guidelines to follow so you are mindful in your time (even if you don't know what to focus on yet). There's no confusion. Just open the email and follow the instructions.

Is this really just for moms?

This challenge is geared to moms looking for productive Me Time - and who want to become better versions of themselves, so they can help others. I do hope to build the challenge out further, but starting with Moms as that's who I am and what I know. Stay tuned for future updates!

When does it start and how long do I have access?

The challenge starts on the soonest Monday after you enroll. You have LIFETIME access, so even if you can't get started right away you will always have access so you can pick up whenever you are ready.

Wait, you said, you participate in Triathlons? That sounds waaaay too intense!

I do! But they are Sprint Tri’s - a shorter swim/bike/run course than a typical TRI - and they are blast! Trust me, I’m not hard core. I’ve got that postpartum body like most moms. ;) But training for the TRIs with other moms who are also balancing family, work and me time has been sooo much fun. If participating in a TRI is your jam, let’s chat about it some more!

FREE! ONE TIME OFFER: Want to know how I fly through the grocery store? I share with you the exact cheat sheet I use -- so that you can also breeze through shopping-- without debating what is actually healthy or not! This strategy resulted in hours of time captured -- you DON'T have to wander mindlessly through the aisles anymore. AND it's food my family will actually eat. Win-win! I've previously sold my "Grocery Store Cheat Sheet" for $17 but you can get it this one time for FREE when you sign up for the 21 Day Me Time Challenge!

Get Unstuck.

Ditch the Mom Guilt.

Get the "Me Time" You Deserve.

ENROLL in the 21-Day Me Time Challenge Today!

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